Hydroponic Daffodils | FAQ
This product is currently only available through supermarkets / retailers only.
Below you will find a list of commonly asked questions and answers about Hydroponic Daffodils
+ General Care
Make sure to keep them in an environment that is not too hot. If the temperature is kept below 70F they can bloom longer than 10 days on average.
Avoid direct sunlight to reduce the chances of the bulbs overheating due to the greenhouse effect.
If you add water, make sure most of the bulb is above water and the roots are submerged.
+ Can I regrow the bulbs?
After having been in the soil for the right amount of time you can try to have them live out their second life-cycle in the vase for the duration of the blooming period.
Please keep in mind that our growers use a complicated process over the course of weeks to prepare the bulbs so they can thrive hydroponically. When it comes to putting the bulbs back in the vase during the season, we cannot guarantee success.
The bulbs are alive and sensitive to abrupt changes in their environment, switching them over to another is a delicate process.
Before attempting to force spring flowering bulbs for hydroponic growth yourself, it is recommended to let the bulbs recover in soil, since they're depleted from having bloomed once.
Please find the instructions to let the bulbs recover in soil below.
+ What should I do after flowering?
Step 1. After flowering, clip the wilted flower from the stem and then let the foliage dry completely while maintaining water level.
Step 2. When the foliage has completed to dry out, you might see new little bulbs beginning to form, this is perfectly normal, please leave these.
Step 3. Cut the foliage, but leave the roots. Now it time for the bulbs to establish themselves with proper rest.
Step 4. Store the bulbs dry and as cool as possible. Refrigerate daffodil bulbs for six to eight weeks before planting in zones 8 through 10. The bulbs should not be stored together or near fruits. Fruit produces ethylene gas, which destroys the flower bud within the bulb. Place them in a paper bag away from ripening fruits.
Step 5. Plant the daffodil bulbs in your garden at the appropriate time of the year using a good mix of soil and compost.
The planting space should receive plenty of sunlight in well-prepared soil with fast drainage, which is essential for the proper growth. Avoid planting where water collects, or in locations that are prone to late frosts.
For optimum growth, the growth season can be found according to your zone.
+ When to plant after flowering?
Zones 4 & 5 - September or early October
Zones 6 & 7 - October to early November
Zones 8 & 9 - November to early December
Zone 10 - Late December to early January
+ Where can I find my planting zone?
Find your planting zone here: USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map
+ What should I do with my Bloomaker vase?
Bloomaker vases are great for crafting. Youโll find some great photos that have been sent to us in our Gallery!
Made something already? Share your creation with us. We might feature your photo on our website!
Share your photos in DM on Instagram & Facebook or by using the hashtag #bloomaker and tagging us @bloomaker
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